Kate Spade New York is branded by what the company describes as “crisp color, graphic prints and playful sophistication” enabling individuals to embrace “colorful living.” That is precisely what I wanted to create for a December graduate’s party décor this past weekend.

Earning her degree from Southern Nazarene University, this classy young lady’s Kate Spade inspired theme was the non-negotiable and perfectly appropriate plan for her celebration from the beginning.

She relishes all of the Kate Spade trademarks and owns numerous handbags to prove it. Based on what I know of her through my consultations, the graduate’s personality is just what the Kate Spade style embodies – “the sophisticated, whimsical, chic woman who isn’t afraid of bold colors!” Therefore, every aspect about this event had to be tailored to exude such a lifestyle.

With that in mind, I designed the invitations using the Kate Spade black and white stripped theme and dipped them in acrylic paint – gold and pink to create a fun and refined look with artsy appeal.

While Kate Spade incorporates many bright and bold colors, I chose black and white stripes as the main focus for the event décor (coinciding with the invitations). The backdrop design and table runner were key elements to bring it all together, along with the pinwheels and other gold and sparkly features.

I advised on the food selection for this as a dessert party to include an assortment of sweet treats like tiny cupcakes, miniature pies, brownies and small fruit parfaits. I also made personalized water bottle labels for a unique and sentimental touch to go nicely with the rest of the décor.

Congratulations to this graduate and may she “live colorfully” as she enters this next stage of life and moves forward in her #missadventure.

Check out some details!

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